This paper explores how the concept of sexual harassment, or el-taḥarrush el-ginsy, has evolved in Egypt from 2000 to 2012. By analyzing online Arabic discussion boards, blog sites, and data from interviews and anti-sexual harassment organizations, it identifies a significant shift in discourse. Initially, taḥarrush was predominantly associated with the molestation and rape of children. However, following the 2006 Eid mob sexual harassment event in Cairo and subsequent activism by groups like the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights and HarassMap, the term began to represent the harassment of women in public spaces. This shift has led to a complex discourse where taḥarrush is now linked to both everyday harassment and more violent forms of sexual assault, influencing public perceptions and resistance to anti-sexual harassment initiatives.
Abdelmonem, Angie. "Reconceptualizing sexual harassment in Egypt: A longitudinal assessment of el-Taharrush el-Ginsy in Arabic online forums and anti-sexual harassment activism." Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research 1.1 (2015): 23-41.
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