This study explores the strategies parents use to administer oral medicine to children through an analysis of 4,581 posts from online forums. The study identifies three main strategies: (1) Open administration, where parents involve the child in the process, change the medicine's taste, or use persuasion; (2) Hidden administration, where medicine is disguised in food or given while the child is distracted; and (3) Forced administration, where parents use physical restraint to ensure the child takes the medicine. The study finds that no single strategy is universally preferred, and some parents seek alternative medications or discontinue treatment if initial strategies fail. The findings suggest that health professionals should use these strategies to better communicate with parents and children about oral medicine administration.
Bergene, Elin Høien, Torstein Baade Rø, and Aslak Steinsbekk. "Strategies parents use to give children oral medicine: a qualitative study of online discussion forums." Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 35.2 (2017): 221-228.
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