This study examines learners' participation patterns in MOOC forums and identifies factors that correlate with their participation. Using educational data mining and learning analytics, the researchers analyzed interpersonal interaction data from Coursera log files. Forum content was categorized based on Henri's criteria and converted into quantitative values for comparison and visualization. The study found that only 20% of learners were consistently active in forums, contributing to 50% of total posts, with a subset labeled as "Super Active." Analysis revealed that forum discussions were intense in the “Cognitive” and “Discipline” categories, indicating that participants benefit both socially and cognitively. Additionally, a strong correlation was found between forum activity and course completion, although some highly active learners did not complete the course.
Cohen, Anat, et al. "Active learners’ characterization in MOOC forums and their generated knowledge." British journal of educational technology 50.1 (2019): 177-198.
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