This study investigates the linguistic features used in discussion forums by e-distance learning students at Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia. By analyzing messages posted by students to their peers and lecturers, the study identifies the use of unique linguistic features such as rebus writing, internet-specific acronyms, and reduplication of letters in their communications. These forums serve as a platform for students to interact with classmates, lecturers, and other e-distance learning students. The study aims to enrich the understanding of computer-mediated communication and encourage further research in this field.
Kadir, Zaemah Abdul, Marlyna Maros, and Bahiyah Abdul Hamid. "Linguistic features in the online discussion forums." International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 2.3 (2012): 276.
- IC Essentials
- Como
- Adriano Faria
- TomCat
- ali hagi
- Ramses
- eivindsimensen
- opentype
- JoelR
- Analog
- Square Wheels
- isvans
- adik
- Nathan Explosion
- burnyourfeelings
- Voyage
- Jimmy Huseman
- Videoflicks
- Matt
- Live Games
- envy
- StevenM
- onlyME
- Claudia999
- V0RT3X
- Venthas
- Jon Erickson
- bernhara
- Sinistra
- abobader
- Kirill Gromov
- DawPi
- Dilip
- N700
- Majster87
- GrantHorizons
- A Zayed
- terabyte
- Chris Anderson
- aXenDev
- AnonDoggo
- Empire
- Labis
- XwReK
- Hexzon
- ReyDev
- GazzaGarratt
- Charlie Feigel
- Auto Evoke
- Steph40
- JoeyM
- Ryan
- master963
- John Horton
- TwinTurbo
- Uncrowned Gaurd
- Foxtrek64
- bing11
- Andy Y
- Copycat
- Karyexo Karyexooo
- Kelkrel
- Myr
- dolphin
- Richard Arch
- yaotzin
- lanc3lot
- Brian
- Nicolas PC
- Synergy
- Maria
- Nomad
- TheLlamaman
- scaz
- The SoftBay
- TracyIsland
- Yurii
- william trowbridge
- Cristian Croitor
- Asare
- djdan36
- shahed
- YalcinA
- send2yoni
- Paul Kaiser
- Paul
- Omar Barbeytia carretero
- Ryancoolround
- rainx
- YourSharona
- Kentraiyle Robinson
- MichaelR
- Edward Ellas
- PrettyPixels
- Denis Dyack
- DursunKaptan