This paper reports on a field study of Avaaj Otalo, an interactive voice application for small-scale farmers in Gujarat, India. The study, conducted over seven months, involved 51 farmers using the system. The application's most popular feature was its forum for asking and browsing questions on agricultural topics. The forum evolved into a vibrant social space with established norms, active moderation, and a mix of structured and informal interactions. For all participants, this was their first experience with an online community. Usability findings showed that users quickly adapted to the menu-based navigation, preferring numeric input over speech. The study provides insights for designing voice-based social media platforms for rural communities.
Patel, Neil, et al. "Avaaj otalo: a field study of an interactive voice forum for small farmers in rural india." Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems. 2010.
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