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I'm laughing at the cat meme.  😄🐱

A human right is a very bold statement.  Do you mean a human right for all people on the earth, or human right for a specific country? 

19 hours ago, JoelR said:

I'm laughing at the cat meme.  😄🐱

A human right is a very bold statement.  Do you mean a human right for all people on the earth, or human right for a specific country? 

All people on earth. 😄

  • 2 months later...

I wouldn't say that making the internet a human right is a good thing as that means anyone would have access despite what they use it for. 

If someone were to use the internet for illegal reasons and having it be a human right was the case, could they argue that being banned from it was against their human rights?

I believe it should be made more affordable for those who need the internet but may struggle to afford it based on their financial situation but making it a human right would have to be looked at very carefully. 


I also believe access to the internet should be a basic human rights. Just like food, house to live, education, basic health care are universal basic human rights, internet should also be basic human rights. That's because internet is knowledge and access to knowledge should be individual rights. However, whether internet should be made free or not would be another question for a discussion.


More than 4 billion people use internet world wide. Based on the growing use of internet, I also believe internet should be added as human rights. However, I also believe that more than 50 percent internet users are using it just to consume and create nonsense content, they are not using it for building knowledge and skills but just to scroll social media. So, internet is more of a luxury for people.


There are a lot of things that are more important than the internet. About 23 percent or 1.8 billion people around the world are living under the poverty line. These people are struggling for basic needs like food water, clothes, houses, etc. The world should first consider feeding the world population properly before thinking about things like the internet.

  • 3 months later...

Access to an internet connection is something I feel should be a basic right. Nowadays, many people are using the internet to make money, learn new skills or even learn as a whole such as school, college or university. 

It is a shame that some places still make it difficult to even receive a basic internet connection. 

Posted (edited)

The Internet is used for so much nowadays from working online to getting access to the news and goings on around the world. 

When you lose internet you realize just how much we rely on the internet and how much runs only because we have an internet connection.

I am a firm believer that the internet should be a human right and that everyone should have access to the internet even if it is a low package that allows them to get online. 

Edited by Toni

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