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Nudge Plus: Aligning Actions with Values

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Have you heard of the concept of a "nudge plus"? It's an interesting twist on the idea of a behavioral nudge—those subtle pushes we get towards making certain choices. But a "nudge plus" takes it a step further by not only steering us towards a particular behavior but also encouraging us to reflect on whether this behavior truly aligns with our personal values and goals.

For example,

  • In IPS, you can send out an Alert and require a response.  A "nudge plus" design would ask the borrower if the alert gave them enough information, guidance, or instructions on the next time the user encountered the same scenario.  
  • In IPS, users earn badges, earn Helpful points, or appear on a Leaderboard.  A "nudge plus" design would ask the user if it encourages them to post more or post in the right manner.   

We collect feedback all the time at a general level in our communities, but never do we collect feedback on the gamification and behavioral settings to ask whether it aligns. 

This concept can be quite powerful, especially in community setting like ours. It prompts users to think deeply about the choices we make and whether they contribute positively to our community environment. It's also a great tool for community managers who want to ensure that the structures or rules in place actually benefit its members in meaningful ways.

  • How could we implement nudge plus strategies in our forum to promote more thoughtful engagement?
  • What kind of nudge plus designs could help us foster a community that reflects our collective values and aids in achieving our shared goals?

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