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What is Geographical Segmentation? How to do Geographical Segmentation for Your Marketing Campaigns

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Marketing means putting your products and services in front of your potential customers. However, before you start pushing your products and services to your customers, you should know where your customers are. In other words, you need to know your customers’ location. When you know your customers’ location only then you will be able to create a successful marketing campaign. It is important to know the location of your customers so that you can effectively tailor your marketing campaigns to reach your customers. Geographical segmentation means identifying the location of your customers. Here are some tips on how to perform geographical segmentation:

1. Find out where your customers come from, identify the countries, states, cities, or towns your target customers are located. Determine if your customers are in urban or rural areas, in big cities or small towns.

2. Understand the geographical landscape of your customers, and how the location relates to your customers.

3. Define your target customers based on the products and services popular in their location. Find out whether your target customers will react to your products.

4. Learn if your products and services are beneficial to your customers.

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