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  • Welcome to Invisioneer

    Happy Summer to everyone. We help online community managers and forum administrators build great online communities. Discover one of the largest, free resources for online community management. Discuss, Learn, and Be Inspired.  

    Good communities become great at Invisioneer.

  • Converse with other forum admins, community leaders, and Invision Community (IPS) clients. 

  • Browse, shop, and be inspired in the third-party Marketplace Directory for Invision Community (IPS) to find themes, mods, and more.

  • Educate and empower yourself with some of the world's largest databases of community management resources. 

  • By Chris Anderson
    How might this acquisition change Stripe for the better/worse? Stripe acquires payment processing startup Lemon Squeezy | TechCrunch What might we ask IPS or third-party developers do to best take advantage of the new functionality that will be added to Stripe?  
  • By JoelR
    Pages in v5 gives us new widget areas and widget designs with powerful new capabilities and options.   Are there any pages that you're planning to redo on v5?  One thing I've always wanted to do is a custom homepage for each major member type (eg a new member versus a superuser) that brings in resources from around the community, instead of using the stock forum index.  
  • By JoelR
    This is not meant to be a depressing post (really!)  This is an acknowledgement that forums have lost all of the users that we were going to lose, we aren't likely to lose more, and we are plateauing with a nominal amount of users.  To put it another way, our forums are simply another website competing for user attentions.  But being a forum doesn't bring any advantages that it used to bring.   Forums are one of many options for users searching for answers.  
  • By JoelR
    The alpha releases of IPS is making the rounds, and one thing that's come up again (not new, it's something that IPS has previously announced) is that status updates are being deprecated.   Are you devastated? Or is this a non-issue? Do you have many users who rely on status updates?  In my primary community, I have a small subset of users who do use Status Updates similar to social media. They'll post their life updates and photos on their profile page.  They exist in their own little
  • By lordi
    Hello, my name is banata, im an administrator of small forum, been using IPS since 2012,  glad to be here,
  • By JoelR
    What strategies do you think we can implement to improve how we communicate? Any particular tools or approaches you find effective?
  • By JoelR
    Okay.  I just want to take a moment to say that IPS has really upped their video walkthroughs from upbeat electronic music to poetic rhyming to describe new features.   So, what's new in their new Page Builder, something that we've been expecting for awhile with v5? New widget designs: grid, featured, wallpaper, rows (table), minimal, minimal grid, and carousel that works with all of the other options.   New widget areas: allows stacking or side-by-side widgets.   Are
  • By JoelR
    I recently stumbled upon a fascinating article from The Washington Post titled "Pearls Before Breakfast." It’s about this intriguing experiment where Joshua Bell, one of the world's greatest violinists, played incognito in a DC Metro station during rush hour. Days before, he had filled the house at Boston's Symphony Hall, where seats were sold for $100.  You’d think a world-class musician performing an intricate Bach piece on a $3.5 million Stradivarius would draw a huge crowd, right? Wrong. Har
  • By JoelR
    In light of IPS new stance on tagging in v5, I wanted  to ask other forum admins about their experiences with open versus closed tagging systems.   Open System: Pros: Anyone can create tags, which could capture more nuanced topics. Cons: It can get messy quick, with duplicate or irrelevant tags everywhere. Closed System: Pros: It's tidy, with a controlled set of tags that keeps things organized. Cons: Might be too restrictive and not cover all relevant t
  • By JoelR
    IPS briefly talked about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent months, but this is the first full confirmation of how IPS plans to integrate AI features into the community, with features already planned for v5.  This aligns with their prior perspective that they don't plan to bring AI into any user-facing interactions. No direct conversing with AI chatbots.  However, IPS does believe AI can provide benefit in the following areas:  "We are using AI in v5, but in terms of algorithms and
  • By JoelR
    I was reflecting in the new Features Page / Our Picks page that IPS is refreshing for v5, and I realized that we actually had multiple ways to show our content: - displaying content by categorization (the traditional forum boards > subboards) - displaying content by chronology (Activity Streams)  - displaying content by popularity (Leaderboard) - displaying content by manual selection (Featured / Our Picks page)  IPS gives you 4 (!) different ways of displaying conten
  • This application lets admins add a VIP Status to specific members promoting them to a different group. It can be either a permanent promotion or a temporary one. It can be used to give higher privileges to helpful members of the community (for example hiding ads for them).



    • Setting to specify which group VIP members are moved to.
    • Setting to specify which group expired VIP members are moved to. It also supports "Original Group" as an option.
    • Setting to specify the default VIP period duration when adding a new member.
    • Setting to change the icon used to display the members' VIP status.
    • Settings to control the VIP status icon display (global user bar + topic user info).
    • Option to send a PM notification to members who are promoted to VIP and when their VIP status expires.
    • Every VIP status change is logged in the member history in ACP.
    • An icon is added in the user bar near the notification icon and in a topic's user info while the user is in the VIP group.
    • Widget to display to members more details about their VIP status start/expiration.
    • Expired VIP Members are automatically moved out of the VIP group by a task.
  • This modification lets you replace the last poster data in a forum with custom HTML for specific groups. Hiding the statistics (number of posts) is also supported.

    For example, you can use it for premium forums that require a paid subscription and encourage the users to subscribe.



    • All settings are per-forum:
      • Enable the replacement feature
      • Select groups who'll see the replacement
      • Hide the forum statistics
      • HTML Replacement
    • Both Table & Grid views are supported.
  • This plugin will allow members to react in private messages.


    • Groups allowed to react in private messages
  • Description:

    • This app will allow the admins to add fake members in the online list. When you add a fake member online, you can also add the number of minutes that you want that particular member to be online. A task will run every half hour to remove the expired fake sessions from the online list. This can be very useful for start up forums as well as for those forums where there is not much activity. It will make the forum look busy and it might attract new users and boost the activity.
    • To keep things real, fake members will appear to read random topics, which they are allowed to view permission wise. You can select a certain forum or forums, whose topics you do not want to be showed up as being read from the fake members in the online list.
    • You can view all fake members that have been added to the online list at the app 's log page. 
  • Advanced Widget Settings adds advanced options to the widget settings. You can control all widgets to display for a specific group, specific members, specific date and specific URLs.

    Suppose you want to:

    Display a widget for a specific user group.

    Display a widget at a specific date range

    Disable displaying a widget on a specific date

    Start displaying a widget on a specific date.

    Display a widget in a specific URL.

    Display a widget in a specific URL and its sub-links.

    When the widget is off, display custom content instead (using the IPS editor)

    This app does it for you and works on all widgets (3rd-party and the IPS widgets).

    Enter specific URLs, so that the widget is displayed only in those URLs.


    Demo : https://ips.valacoding.com/index.php?/topic/12-bebop-publishing-will-release-a-limited-edition-of-justice/&tab=comments#comment-12

    Note that some widgets use the cache system. In this case, you must disable the cache with this option to access the current URL. Enabling this option may reduce performance on large boards. Use this option when your widget does not work properly in the settings you specify.

  • Legend Magazine is a series of Advanced Templates designed for IPS Pages App. This templates are accompanied with a powerful plugin, gives many customization, styles and re-orientation choices for these templates. Legend Magazine Templates can be assigned to already exist or newly created Database within IPS Pages app.

    Key Feature:

    • Ajax Page Load. allows users to quickly navigate between in-database Pages back and forth.
    • Magazine Look and Neat Design with many customization freedom for Database[Show article]/Database[Show categories]/Category/Display Article view of your database. Great for Content oriented databases like Articles, News ...
    • Custom navigation bar at the top. allows to have constant access to every useful options in each page.
    • Custom sidebar at the left, can be open/close by user. Sidebar have items like User menu, Links to all categories within a database. with plugin setting, it is possible to add more links as well.
    • Database and Category each one have Two different "Theme" can be choose in Plugin setting. each theme also come with it's own style customization.
    • Display article view also come with Three different theme. more importantly it's possible to change every article theme right through article submit/edit form. with this optional feature, authors can assign one of these three theme to article when they want to send /or/ edit an already exist article.
    • Support Color scheme of IPS Default/Custom themes. gives freedom to admin to use their own theme color scheme [useful for multi-color communities] or use Legend Magazine Plugin for completely custom color scheme.
    • Auto language detect for support RTL communities


    • IPS Pages 4.7


  • Legend Grid News Is a series of Page-App-Templates accompanied with a powerful plugin, so you can create a very flexible layout throughout your Pages app Database, in FrontPage, Category and Record View pages. These templates can be use on a New Page app Database setup or can be assigned to an existing Databases.

    FrontPage - Category View (Grid Style) - Category View (List Style) - Display View (Full Width Record Image)


    Note: Usage of this product requires IPS Pages App 4.7



    • Very Nice and flexible options to play it's layout for FrontPage area
    • A nice, stylish and Built-in "Featured Record Section" that can be set to show 3/5/6 of your latest/pinned records
    • Choose between two style of listing items in FrontPage: 1. Grid view (with more setting to display 2/3/4 grid per line) 2. List view
    • Nice/customizable Hover effects for listing items
    • Omittable Parts in listing Items, you can choose to show which part to see (Description, stats, last poster, byline...)
    • Very Nice and flexible Category Page. choose between two style of listing items: 1. Grid view (with more setting to display 2/3/4 grid per line) 2. List view
    • Nice JQuery Tool for Users to swipe between 2/3/4 grid per line at any time
    • Nice Template for Record view with option to display between two style: 1. Fully scaled and wide article image 2. Normal and customizable size for article image
    • Nice Block/Widget template for record feed in Pages app. can be used in every places in Page app, including non Legend Grid News databases.
    • Image LazyLoad support
    • Support YouTube video in News image section (Demo)

    Template/Plugin Can be used Multiple time in one domain installation.

  • Legend Editor Buttons is a big package of 15 Editor buttons, can be use in every place in invision website that uses editor. these buttons have their own customization settings so it is possible to change colors, size and other styling options. Legend Editor Buttons is an application and created specially this way to make it possible to upgrade my old resources as CKEditor buttons here along new features and more buttons.

    Live Demo


    InfoBox Buttons

    Infobox buttons originally released with 8 buttons, capable of creating Infoboxes Like Wikipedia, categorized information, quotebox and ... buttons released in old version have all being upgraded and now can be customized as well. new buttons for Infobox also redesigned and more simplified to use. for example instead of having four separate buttons for creating standard infobox, now all of them included in one menu button.

    Features compare to old Infobox:

    • Upgraded version
    • Created from scratch with additional buttons and full styling option via application settings
    • Easy install
    • Simplified to use
    • Infobox now have 2 new button: 1. Infobox center, for creating a center aligned in page. 2. Infotoggle, for creating a toggle box and ability to hide/show information.




    Comparison Images

    Comparison Images originally released with one button, capable of adding two image and make a compare box. it can be use in every places in community that uses Editors.

    Features compare to old comparison images:

    • Upgraded version
    • Created as application with new setting
    • Easy install


    Contextual Buttons

    Contextual buttons are included from two new buttons and also the PDF viewer button. first new button, is Column paragraph/text button. with this button it is possible to make 2 or 3 column paragraph in the posts. there is also option for making the first letter of the paragraph bigger and stylized. Second new button, is a Inline spoiler/Inline redacted text feature. with this button, it is possible to drag any parts of the text in editor and make it redacted. user will see the text redacted, and can click on it to see the content. this button is also have styling settings as well.




  • Legend Styler - Downloads is an advanced plugin, to modify and re-design everything about IPS Downloads app. in 3 area: Download app's FrontPage, Category view and File view, there are dozens of option to style and redesign different sections. from "Featured Downloads" box, "What's new", "Highest Rated" and "Most Downloaded" boxes in FrontPage, to category view and finally for file view, there are options to change how generally your download hub can be looks.

    Demo (Please review live demo in IPS Default theme)

    • FrontPage view
      • Featured files > theme 1: story slideshow
      • What's new theme > theme 1: Tiles
      • Highest Rated > theme 2: Grid - List
      • Most Downloaded > theme 3: List
    • Category view [theme 3: List]
    • File view [theme 1: Custom 1]

    Areas and options:

    • Download app FrontPage:
      • "Featured Downloads" box: 2 different "Theme" [Story view and Tile view] > each theme have their own inside settings.
      • "What's new", "Highest Rated" and "Most Downloaded" boxes: each one 3 different "Theme" [Grid, Tile, List] > each theme have their own inside settings.
    • Download app Category pages: 3 different "Theme" [Grid, Tile, List] > each theme have their own inside settings
    • Download app File view: 2 different "Theme" > each theme have their own inside settings

    There are dozens of style options and combinations to make Downloads app areas look unique and fresh.


    • Invision Download app
  • Legend Styler - Hover Cards is a powerful plugin, designed to give so many options and design choice when it's come to hovering on user name in Invision Community websites.

    Plugin came with initial of 6 different theme/style for user hover cards including IPS default theme and IPS 4 old user hover card theme. almost every part of these template can be modify by plugin side options. along with normal data in hover cards like statistics, user groups etc... Legend Styler - Hover Cards adds many more feature to it as well.

    Some of the additional info that Legend Styler - Hover Cards can add to user hover cards:

    • 8 different Theme/Style including IPS 4 default for user hover cards
    • Full support of Social media links for users [based on custom profile fields], display user's social media links in their user hover cards
    • Display secondary groups in user hover cards
    • Follow user button in user hover cards
    • Full support of profile fields that can be filled by individual:
      • Targeted Custom fields for specific Personal information like Age, Location and Occupation in user hover cards
      • Display full list of custom fields line by line in user hover cards
    • Ability to display "About Me" section in user hover cards
    • New statistic user data like number of followers, number of solutions by user and can be show/hide in user hover cards
    • Full support for LTR / RTL communitis
  • Legend Styler - Posts, is a plugin that can be use to give a lot of styles and parts rearrangements to Posts section in Forums topics/questions. with dozens of variable and settings, admin can modify and rearrange almost every part in posts area, in verities of ways to give a unique look, style and color to posts. in general, there are two different ways of display user info panel in this plugin (Vertical or Horizontal) and each one have sets of their own settings and variables.


    • Display author info in Posts as default vertical or horizontal
    • Social media link support based on custom profile fields in posts, display user social media links in their posts
    • Change background color or text color of author info in Posts
    • Floating style posts by remove background color of author info in Posts, floating style for author info in Posts
    • Change the width size of author info in Posts
    • Sticky effect for author info in Posts
    • Re-arrange position of User name and User group
    • Display Secondary groups
    • Display Secondary groups icons
    • Change the size of User image [avatar]
    • Change style of User image to show as fully rounded, mild rounded or square
    • Display/Remove user statistics
    • Change style of user statistics to small grid, large grid or list
    • Display/Remove Custom profile fields
    • Display/Remove User badges
    • Change how to display user statistics: normal/default as raw data, condensed or display when hover on posts
    • Ability to restore "Member Title" which replaced with Member Ranks after IPS 4.6
    • Full support for LTR / RTL communitis

    Demo (in default theme) [this demo uses Vertical UIP - Remove background color from UIP - UIP stats and details in hover settings]


    • Require IPS 4.7 [Forums app]
    • Plugin tested only with IPS default theme, and it may or may not work with custom third party themes.
  • Legend Styler - Topic Listing, is a powerful plugin that can be use to give a lot of style and customization in Forums Topic/Question listing pages. there are many options with many variable in this plugin, so admin can use them in combination to give Topic/Question listing pages a unique look. parts by parts of these listings can be modify so with every combination of settings, there will be new style for Topic/Question listing pages.




    • Dozens of variables and settings so admin can modify each part of lists in Topic/Question listing pages.
    • Add special indicator for Pinned Topics, so these topics looks separated from the rest of topics in the Topic/Question listing pages.
    • Add special indicator for Featured Topics as background color.
    • Add new way of viewing Topic/Question listing pages as "Grid" with it's own templates for both Topics and Question listings.
    • Display topic image in listing
    • Display preview button for latest 5 images posted in topics
    • Support Fluid view for Forum index
    • Display topic list as floating style


    Demo Topic listing (in Default theme) (note: this demo only shows just one combination of styles that can be done with this plugin)

    Demo Question listing (in Default theme) (note: this demo only shows just one combination of styles that can be done with this plugin)

  • We take a fundamentally different approach to building great communities on the modern web. We focus on the hard questions of strategy, and believe communities of all sizes can succeed with the right passion and strategy.

  • We believe in learning from expert education and best-in-class advice to inspire us. We built some of the world's largest resources for community building, and won't stop sharing the best advice from the smartest people we can find.

  • Modern communities deserve modern approach to community building. We believe in pushing everyone to a more forward-thinking approach to building great communities that thrive on the modern web.

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