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Dilip last won the day on April 18

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  1. My wallpaper is a part of the Ubuntu 24.10 " Oracular Oriole " default set. The 3D bird one 🙂
  2. Which one do you like?
  3. I think the difference is how influential they are on your community. Keeping an immature mod for whatever reason sounds unreasonable to me. Some do that to keep the forum going, as mentioned above, and some do it because drama is a good discussion booster. By the time they realise the mistake, it will be too late.
  4. To eliminate is one thing and to have control of influence in an entirely different situation. Bad neighbours and coworkers is an universal thing. There are ways to minimise their influence though.
  5. I humbly disagree. There is an amount of control over that factor. You can eliminate the influence of wrong people to a great extend in your life. It is even more easier on your forum.
  6. I built a couple of cursor themes for some open-source projects. Branded ones with their logo. Animating their logo was a challenge, but it worked well.
  7. Is your community mostly of the right kind of people? People with behavioural, emotional and professional patterns you actually wanted to build a community for?
  8. I believe that is the right way to do it. Considering how the forum scene is at the moment, some motivation is always nice. Monetary rewards are always attractive, irrespective of how you organise the contest. As long as people get a direct reward, they are gonna love it.
  9. I know a few things. Some I studied while at school, some I trained myself on and some I learned through the internet. I have been focusing on what I learned through the internet in the past few years. These include creating graphics to generating Android apps.
  10. I am staying away from AI at the moment. There is too much uncertainty to link it with SEO. Yes, it helps a lot in a lot of areas. From keyword research to content optimisations AI can play a crucial role. But there is a risk of being labelled as a bot when we use too much AI.
  11. No project can exist unless there is demand. People and the internet are mean enough. They do not do charity often. As for being one among many, there is nothing wrong. Being different is not always the idea. Being useful is the key.
  12. Personally, I don't like the idea of volunteer staff. You pay them whatever you can. I know that a lot of people think above money, but it is a good practice to reward loyalty wherever we can.
  13. In the last project I did SEO for, we were able to bring INP to green. 😄 In fact, we were continuously hitting 90+ for all 4 web vitals.
  14. I think free forums have a broader approach when it comes to moving between platforms than paid options.
  15. Do you think vendors support our freedom to switch software? How open are importers when it comes to customer preference?
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