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  1. Hello @iHuxley With IPS 4.7, there is a very steep learning curve for non-coders like me. Having said that, Pages are being completely overhauled in v5, which is coming out very soon (there is advanced beta testing going on now). I have managed to create some pages with v4.7 - I managed to come up with my own way of doing this. I have, belatedly, found what I think is an easier way to create properly formatted Pages. I could (for what it is worth) detail here what I did here if you do not wish to wait for v5, and point you to the Admin features I originally missed which might be worth assessing (I've not yest tested them myself). But yeah. V5 promises to be a much better experience for creating additional content.
  2. I do not understand 'badges'. And neither do any of my community's team. In fact, the team generally shuns any metric except for post count. When I switched to Invision, I enabled reactions (and the dependent reputation system) and I think most members like this. A few members reacted negatively at the time ('it's just like social media') and most of the team were concerned about it too. And although the team still have some mixed feelings about 'reputation', I think they have mostly come around to finding it a positive metric. And certainly it is useful to have a shorthand way (reactions) to acknowledge a contribution from another member - I think we all like that. Our community is probably atypical. A lot of members are somewhat vulnerable, so there is the potential for harm if the space became overly competitive. Further, I'd say I actively dislike notifications relating to meaningless (cut from whole cloth) 'achievements'. It feels (and is) utterly contrived and distracts/detracts from meaningful notifications. And I have no idea what any 'badges' I might receive actually mean. (They generally mean nothing, don't they.)
  3. Hello @ReyDev I am unsure of how much the closure of Invision's Marketplace has negatively affected the development of third-party apps. But like @JoelR, I am holding off any purchases until V5 is out. I just the past few days, I've read elsewhere a few very negative comments about the closure of the Marketplace and it putting off potential purchases of IPS. I don't know how much of that is 'the usual complainers' and how much of it reflects a reality. Well, it is what it is, I guess. So, the solution is to help promote and develop Invisioneer as an alternative hub for third-party apps. If we fail to do this, we all will suffer. It would also like to see IPS do more to promote here and individual app vendors.
  4. I read this topic when posted and rather blew it off. But thinking about it more, and particularly after @JoelR's most recent comment, writing the title after composing the post probably makes more sense. It it how we generally write anything more thoughtful. Yeah, we might have a working title, but, usually, we end up using something which is more informed by the body of the article/blog/book/etc. What if the title field contained the placeholder text: Please first write your post And, the poster is prevented from adding text to the Title field until content is added to the Body field. At this point, the Title placeholder text changes to: Please write a title which strongly relates to the content of your post. ... and they can now add a title. In most cases, since the usual flow has been interrupted and they have been prompted to compose their post, the poster will finish writing their post before returning to add a title. We could also move the Title filed to below the Body field. Though, might some people struggle to then find it since it is not in the usual location and many more would have forgotten about adding one? Though I suppose that when the title is missing, the webpage could scroll to place the Title field to just below the 'missing title' notice.
  5. Hello @Olivia. Unfortunately, the above link fails for me.
  6. As it happens, that's exactly what I had already decided upon. But, with a menu link to the short, basic guide for members with fewer than 10 posts; and another menu link for members with 10 posts or more to the full guide. The actual menu item will have the same title. So, members (depending upon post count group) will be automatically filtered towards what I think is generally the better guide for them. At the top of each guide, there will be a link to other guide to catch those who end up with the less than optimal guide.
  7. Hi @Matt I took your post at IPS to mean that launch was slated to occur early this year. And I put off some needed code fixes to an app since the launch of v5 seemed imminent. Can you at least provide a rough estimate of the actual launch date?
  8. Inspired by this thread, I decided to try out a dropdown menu for basic information for new members - basic how to's, that sort of thing. I decided that a single post (later, it will be a Page) was the best way to go. I have already added my own text editor button to allow for the adding page anchors. This works fine. However, when adding the URL within the menu manager, it scrubs the #anchor. The only way around this is to utilize separate posts or Pages - neither option is remotely attractive, as it should be a one-stop post/page of short(ish) items for newer members to seek some basic information. I do have an internal index at the top of the post which links to the anchors within the post, which seems like the only option. Though, I was intending to later expand upon the post/Page which all members might use - but it might then become less helpful to new members. (My intention was for a limited list of dropdown items would have linked directly only to the most important entries for them via the #anchor.) I don't suppose anyone here has an idea for a workaround to prevent the menu manager scrubbing #anchors?
  9. Hello @Adriano Faria Is this a single message, or can different messages be displayed to different usergroups? Edit: no worries - I just noticed that it is free. I'll try it out for myself. Thank you! Edit 2: for anyone who is interested, it is just a single message. It remains useful. 🙂
  10. Como


    Thank you, @onlyME. 🙂
  11. Como


    I use Chatbox+ on Invision Cloud. There appears to be very occasional connection issues (which may or may not be connected with Ajax being blocked), but it works for me 99.9% of the time.
  12. Como


    I've been using Chatbox+ for a little over six months - it works very well. No complaints. I wonder though - if this function is not too esoteric - if it possible to add the ability to have the chatroom(s) open on a schedule? Our chatroom is not yet busy enough for it to self-sustain for most of the time. Restricting opening times (much like not having too many forums) would tend to concentrate activity and make it appear busier. The ability for moderators to open/close the chatroom would assist in the above suggestion if it were to be implemented. Again, this is a great, very reliable app. I highly recommend it.
  13. Works exactly as advertised, and is simple to use. Recommended and good value for money! Instructions: The settings are in the plugin (select the list of forums to which the new setting applies) And... Nope. That's it. It could not be simpler. Please note: there was a typo in the listed price here before - the price for renewal is per year - not per month (as originally stated).
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