Legend Styler - Downloads is an advanced plugin, to modify and re-design everything about IPS Downloads app. in 3 area: Download app's FrontPage, Category view and File view, there are dozens of option to style and redesign different sections. from "Featured Downloads" box, "What's new", "Highest Rated" and "Most Downloaded" boxes in FrontPage, to category view and finally for file view, there are options to change how generally your download hub can be looks.
Demo (Please review live demo in IPS Default theme)
FrontPage view
- Featured files > theme 1: story slideshow
- What's new theme > theme 1: Tiles
- Highest Rated > theme 2: Grid - List
- Most Downloaded > theme 3: List
- Category view [theme 3: List]
- File view [theme 1: Custom 1]
Areas and options:
Download app FrontPage:
- "Featured Downloads" box: 2 different "Theme" [Story view and Tile view] > each theme have their own inside settings.
- "What's new", "Highest Rated" and "Most Downloaded" boxes: each one 3 different "Theme" [Grid, Tile, List] > each theme have their own inside settings.
- Download app Category pages: 3 different "Theme" [Grid, Tile, List] > each theme have their own inside settings
- Download app File view: 2 different "Theme" > each theme have their own inside settings
There are dozens of style options and combinations to make Downloads app areas look unique and fresh.
- Invision Download app
All purchases, support requests and services provided with my website contact form and proceed manually and no registration required.
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