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IC Essentials

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  1. I’m using my phone probably all the time when visiting a community I’m interested in. My computer is only used for my work because it’s easier with multiple monitors and because some stuff can only be done from a proper machine, that said, iPad Pro is also an amazing development & testing machine)
  2. Don’t you have pages? Just create a pages database with a custom template! Much easier, cheaper and future proof:)
  3. You could use the REST API or GraphQL to get the data.
  4. Yea, I thought it would be handy to manage everything via the DB but it didn’t work out aus expected.
  5. Same, but the form became too annoying with all the custom fields So I've created a custom application that grabs the data while the upload to the downloads app, extracts the version and stores it to a new metadata extension. This way I don't need to care about updating it ever again,... just upload it to the downloads app and let the app handle everything else automatically in the background.
  6. If you're interested in such a feature for your community => https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/22-new-member-autofollow/😉
  7. I will😂 I'll try to update my site ASAP , probably soon after the first public alpha/beta/whatever release
  8. It’s literally the „downloads“ langstring.
  9. Well, what I have in mind is that providers would get an API Key ( OAuth Authentication) which would allow them to create and update their existing submissions.
  10. Would others be interested into this too?
  11. Do you have any plans to provide an API so that providers can create and update their own files "automatically"?
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