This article explores the impact of perceived brand authenticity on consumer attachment to brands, particularly within the context of online brand communities (OBCs) on social networking platforms. Conducted among 354 Indian respondents, the study utilized SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 24.0 for analysis, uncovering that a brand perceived as genuine significantly heightens consumer brand attachment. Moreover, the presence of OBCs plays a moderating role in the relationship between brand authenticity and consumer attachment, indicating that authentic brands benefit from engaging with their audience through social media communities. This research highlights the importance for companies to focus on authenticity in product development and to establish a strong presence within online communities as strategies to foster consumer attachment and influence buying behaviors. The findings contribute a novel perspective on how perceived authenticity and community engagement are crucial in cultivating meaningful consumer-brand relationships.
Arya, Vikas, et al. "Brand authenticity and brand attachment: How online communities built on social networking vehicles moderate the consumers’ brand attachment." IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 8.2 (2019): 87-103.
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