This article examines the exchange of material goods within online rock fan communities, highlighting the significance of these objects in reflecting group values and strengthening interpersonal bonds. Through participant observation and interviews, it identifies various types of exchanged goods, such as concert recordings, tickets, apparel, and artwork, showcasing how online platforms facilitate this process and blur the lines between offline and online interactions.
Baker, Andrea. "The exchange of material culture among rock fans in online communities." Information, Communication & Society 15.4 (2012): 519-536.
- Como
- Nathan Explosion
- Chris Anderson
- Square Wheels
- IC Essentials
- V0RT3X
- Adriano Faria
- Split
- bernhara
- Hong98
- opentype
- StevenM
- eivindsimensen
- abobader
- JoelR
- PPlanet
- GrantHorizons
- NewVicious
- Sinistra
- UrbanNest Realtors
- Ioannis D
- Paul Cojocariu
- TomCat
- onlyME
- burnyourfeelings
- Maxius
- Yurii
- Voyage
- Steph40
- Videoflicks
- eliteone
- rnorth6920
- Matt
- ArashDev
- terabyte
- Dancho Danchev
- Voidcraft Studios
- DawPi
- Jon Erickson
- ButterflyPixel
- ReyDev
- Live Games
- Charlie Feigel
- Bob Schwarz
- aLEX49566
- bdmusic 24
- AdamOnTech
- william trowbridge
- aXenDev
- Astronis
- Labis
- adik
- DaninMS
- PrettyPixels
- ali hagi
- A Zayed
- Ticulica
- N700
- envy
- TheLlamaman
- John Horton
- Ramses
- Analog
- isvans
- Jimmy Huseman
- Claudia999
- Venthas
- Kirill Gromov
- Dilip
- Majster87
- AnonDoggo
- Empire
- XwReK
- Hexzon
- GazzaGarratt
- Auto Evoke
- JoeyM
- Ryan
- master963
- TwinTurbo
- Uncrowned Gaurd
- Foxtrek64
- bing11
- Andy Y
- Copycat
- Karyexo Karyexooo
- Kelkrel
- Myr
- dolphin
- Richard Arch
- yaotzin
- lanc3lot
- Brian
- Nicolas PC
- Synergy
- Maria
- Nomad
- scaz