This analysis explores the utility of online support communities for child-attracted persons (CAPs) by examining a Dutch forum's subcultural dynamics and self-reported wellbeing outcomes. Through 15 semi-structured interviews with moderators, members, and mental health professionals, thematic analysis reveals that the community fosters informal social control, trust bonds, and social relational education, leading to decreased loneliness, coping with stigma, and reduced suicidal thoughts. Association with prosocial peers helps set moral boundaries, though potential adverse influences exist. Online support networks provide a bridge to professional care tailored to individual needs while overcoming limitations of physical therapy and extending prevention and desistance approaches.
Bekkers, L. M. J., E. R. Leukfeldt, and T. J. Holt. "Online Communities for Child-Attracted Persons as Informal Mental Health Care: Exploring Self-Reported Wellbeing Outcomes." Sexual Abuse 36.2 (2024): 158-184.
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