This study delves into the utilization of online communities by breast cancer survivors who also act as facilitators for face-to-face support groups. Conducted in Canada, it involved 73 respondents from a support group training program, exploring their online community usage patterns through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Findings reveal that about one-third (31.5%) of the participants engaged with online communities, especially during treatment phases, with a focus on seeking information (91.3%) and managing symptoms (69.6%), while emotional support was less sought after (47.8%). Non-users cited reasons such as lack of need, self-efficacy, trust issues, and unawareness. The study highlights the potential of online communities in offering support during stressful periods, particularly when traditional supportive care fails to meet certain needs. A multi-theory framework was suggested to better understand the factors influencing the use of online communities. The research suggests that online communities could serve as valuable supplementary resources for addressing the specific unmet needs of breast cancer survivors, indicating a need for further investigation among a broader survivor demographic.
Bender, Jacqueline L., et al. "What is the role of online support from the perspective of facilitators of face-to-face support groups? A multi-method study of the use of breast cancer online communities." Patient education and counseling 93.3 (2013): 472-479.
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