This study investigates the prevalence and correction of mental health misinformation within Italian-speaking Facebook groups focused on mental health, distinguishing between expert-led and peer-led online communities. Analysis of 1,534 statements from 144 threads revealed that 26.1% contained medically inaccurate information, and nearly 60% of threads contained at least one uncorrected piece of misinformation. Misinformation was more likely to be corrected by moderators than by members, but moderators also shared misinformation. Discussions related to treatment aspects were more prone to misinformation, which was less likely to be corrected in peer-led communities compared to expert-led ones. The findings highlight the critical need for strategies to effectively manage misinformation, particularly in discussions that are more susceptible to inaccuracies.
Bizzotto, Nicole, Peter Johannes Schulz, and Gert-Jan de Bruijn. "The “Loci” of Misinformation and Its Correction in Peer-and Expert-Led Online Communities for Mental Health: Content Analysis." Journal of medical Internet research 25 (2023): e44656.
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