This paper explores the role of the DIALOGOI virtual community, created by the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (SETE), in fostering information sharing, knowledge creation, and learning in the tourism industry. Through observation and questionnaires among community participants, the study found that DIALOGOI effectively promotes information sharing and idea generation among members from diverse geographic locations and sectors. These interactions not only create a social network but also yield information that has the potential to evolve into actionable business knowledge. However, the study notes that the transition from information to knowledge requires application in a business context, a process not covered in this research. The authors suggest further longitudinal studies to examine the knowledge creation potential of the virtual community more deeply.
Chalkiti, Kalotina, and Marianna Sigala. "Information sharing and idea generation in peer to peer online communities: The case ofDIALOGOI'." Journal of Vacation Marketing 14.2 (2008): 121-132.
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