"Cheung, Chiu, and Lee's (2011) "Online social networks: why do students use Facebook" investigates the motivations behind students' use of Facebook. The study examines various factors that drive individuals to engage with the popular social networking site. It explores social factors, such as maintaining relationships and social support, as well as individual factors, including self-presentation and entertainment. The research provides valuable insights into the reasons why students gravitate towards Facebook and the social functions it fulfills in their lives. Keywords: online social networks, Facebook, student motivations."
Cheung, C. M. K.; Chiu, P.; Lee, M. K. O. (2011). "Online social networks: why do students use Facebook" (PDF). Computers in Human Behavior. 29: 1337–1343. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2012.07.028. hdl:1820/4765.
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