Online communities, particularly firm-hosted online communities (FHOCs), serve as platforms for collaborative creativity and innovation. This study presents a model that elucidates the factors influencing individuals' decision to join FHOCs, employing structural equation modeling based on data from 511 FHOC users. Findings indicate that perceived usefulness (PU) mediates the relationship between behavioral intention (BI) and trust, as well as interface design. Networking among users indirectly affects BI, while interface design directly influences BI. A managerial implication is that networking influences the perception of supplementary services like blogs and discussion forums. Theoretical implications suggest that decomposing service quality into core and supplementary components positively impacts PU.
Corkindale, David, Jiwat Ram, and Howard Chen. "The adoption of firm-hosted online communities: an empirical investigation into the role of service quality and social interactions." Enterprise Information Systems 12.2 (2018): 173-195.
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