Online communities serve as valuable sources of knowledge and innovation for companies, bringing together thousands of engaged consumers to discuss various topics, including hobbies, life situations, and brands. Participants exchange experiences, offer perspectives, discuss solutions to problems, and collaborate on product modifications and new ideas. Internet-based tools facilitate virtual dialogue and integration into product and service development processes, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
Füller, Johann, Gregor Jawecki, and Michael Bartl. "Produkt-und Serviceentwicklung in Kooperation mit Online Communities." Kundenorientierte Unternehmensführung: Kundenorientierung—Kundenzufriedenheit—Kundenbindung (2009): 449-468.
- opentype
- IC Essentials
- ali hagi
- V0RT3X
- Square Wheels
- Venthas
- Adriano Faria
- JoelR
- Jon Erickson
- Como
- Nathan Explosion
- eivindsimensen
- bernhara
- Matt
- Sinistra
- abobader
- Kirill Gromov
- envy
- Analog
- DawPi
- Dilip
- N700
- Majster87
- adik
- GrantHorizons
- A Zayed
- terabyte
- Videoflicks
- Voyage
- burnyourfeelings
- onlyME
- Chris Anderson
- aXenDev
- AnonDoggo
- Empire
- Labis
- XwReK
- Hexzon
- TomCat
- ReyDev
- StevenM
- GazzaGarratt
- Live Games
- Charlie Feigel
- Auto Evoke
- Steph40
- JoeyM
- Ryan
- master963
- John Horton
- TwinTurbo
- Uncrowned Gaurd
- Foxtrek64
- Claudia999
- bing11
- Andy Y
- Copycat
- Karyexo Karyexooo
- Kelkrel
- Myr
- dolphin
- Richard Arch
- yaotzin
- lanc3lot
- Brian
- Nicolas PC
- Synergy
- Maria
- Nomad
- TheLlamaman
- scaz
- The SoftBay
- TracyIsland
- Yurii
- william trowbridge
- Cristian Croitor
- Asare
- djdan36
- shahed
- YalcinA
- send2yoni
- Paul Kaiser
- Paul
- Omar Barbeytia carretero
- Ryancoolround
- rainx
- YourSharona
- Kentraiyle Robinson
- MichaelR
- Edward Ellas
- PrettyPixels
- Denis Dyack
- DursunKaptan
- MissB
- aLEX49566
- Codepixel