This research investigates the management of public conflicts and firestorms on social media, focusing on firm-hosted online communities. Through an agent-based simulation model, it finds that a collaborative conflict management style, marked by high cooperativeness and assertiveness, is generally effective in handling conflicts. However, its success is contingent upon various factors, including the number of moderators and aggressors, their credibility, and the community's overall opinion. The study reveals that the effectiveness of collaborative and accommodating approaches varies, and under certain conditions, more competitive and assertive styles may be preferable. Organizations are advised to tailor their conflict management strategies to the specific characteristics of individual participants and the community structure to effectively manage conflicts and prevent firestorm escalation.
Hauser, Florian, et al. "Firestorms: Modeling conflict diffusion and management strategies in online communities." The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 26.4 (2017): 285-321.
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