In "Understanding and analyzing activity and learning in virtual communities," Henri and Pudelko provide an in-depth look at activity and learning in virtual communities. The authors argue that virtual communities can provide powerful opportunities for learning, but that they also have limitations that must be understood and addressed. They explore the concept of activity systems, which are sets of people, tools, and activities that work together to achieve particular goals. The authors argue that understanding the activity system is essential for understanding the learning that takes place in virtual communities. They also discuss the importance of community in virtual environments, as well as the role of facilitators in fostering meaningful interactions. Keywords: virtual communities, learning, activity systems, facilitation.
Henri, F.; Pudelko, B. (December 2003). "Understanding and analysing activity and learning in virtual communities: Activity and learning in virtual communities" (PDF). Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 19 (4): 474–487. doi:10.1046/j.0266-4909.2003.00051.x. S2CID 14040518.
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