This editorial introduces the thematic issue of Online Communities and Populism, discussing its justification and the relevance of Media and Communication in hosting such discussions. It further outlines the questions, major themes, and previews the articles featured in this issue.
Hinck, Ashley. "Populism in and Through Online Communities." Media and Communication 10.4 (2022): 105-108.
- Nathan Explosion
- IC Essentials
- burnyourfeelings
- JoelR
- Voyage
- Como
- Square Wheels
- Adriano Faria
- opentype
- Jimmy Huseman
- eivindsimensen
- Videoflicks
- Matt
- Live Games
- envy
- StevenM
- TomCat
- onlyME
- Claudia999
- ali hagi
- V0RT3X
- Venthas
- Jon Erickson
- bernhara
- Sinistra
- abobader
- Kirill Gromov
- Analog
- DawPi
- Dilip
- N700
- Majster87
- adik
- GrantHorizons
- A Zayed
- terabyte
- Chris Anderson
- aXenDev
- AnonDoggo
- Empire
- Labis
- XwReK
- Hexzon
- ReyDev
- GazzaGarratt
- Charlie Feigel
- Auto Evoke
- Steph40
- JoeyM
- Ryan
- master963
- John Horton
- TwinTurbo
- Uncrowned Gaurd
- Foxtrek64
- bing11
- Andy Y
- Copycat
- Karyexo Karyexooo
- Kelkrel
- Myr
- dolphin
- Richard Arch
- yaotzin
- lanc3lot
- Brian
- Nicolas PC
- Synergy
- Maria
- Nomad
- TheLlamaman
- scaz
- The SoftBay
- TracyIsland
- Yurii
- william trowbridge
- Cristian Croitor
- Asare
- djdan36
- shahed
- YalcinA
- send2yoni
- Paul Kaiser
- Paul
- Omar Barbeytia carretero
- Ryancoolround
- rainx
- YourSharona
- Kentraiyle Robinson
- MichaelR
- Edward Ellas
- PrettyPixels
- Denis Dyack
- DursunKaptan
- MissB
- aLEX49566