This study introduces a framework for identifying and assessing valuable data sources within online communities for public-based technology foresight. It aims to determine which communities offer insightful text data based on expertise and diversity for technology forecasting. The methodology combines bibliographic analysis with topic modeling techniques for a semantic examination of the community texts. A case study involving 20 candidate communities focused on technology discussions and predictions is conducted, using newly proposed metrics for evaluation. The research contributes to broadening technology foresight to include public participation, moving beyond reliance solely on a limited number of experts.
Kim, Youngjun, and Changho Son. "Evaluation of Online Communities for Technology Foresight: Data-Driven Approach Based on Expertise and Diversity." Sustainability 14.20 (2022): 13040.
- terabyte
- Myr
- JoelR
- master963
- Adriano Faria
- IC Essentials
- Live Games
- Brian
- opentype
- Auto Evoke
- GazzaGarratt
- Chris Anderson
- Analog
- bernhara
- Voyage
- Dilip
- Paul Kaiser
- eivindsimensen
- ReyDev
- send2yoni
- Como
- Square Wheels
- Nathan Explosion
- N700
- Paul
- TracyIsland
- adik
- Andy Y
- V0RT3X
- Omar Barbeytia carretero
- JoeyM
- DawPi
- A Zayed
- Ryancoolround
- rainx
- YourSharona
- Kentraiyle Robinson
- MichaelR
- Edward Ellas
- aXenDev
- PrettyPixels
- Denis Dyack
- Labis
- DursunKaptan
- MissB
- TheLlamaman
- envy
- aLEX49566
- Codepixel
- alsl sndnxnx
- burnyourfeelings
- isvans
- Marius
- Matt
- Thomas Taschler
- Surpac
- JoshB
- Ioannis D
- abobader
- Richard Arch
- bdmusic 24
- Majster87
- TomCat
- Pmw
- Torgeir Rui
- Kammer et
- Nicolas PC
- XwReK
- Claudia999
- Kirill Gromov
- Synergy
- bing11
- Marvin Moore
- ArashDev
- onlyME
- ali hagi
- StevenM
- NewVicious
- lukash
- Andhrafriends Admin
- Daffy
- hyprem
- GuitarGathering
- Tripp
- Askancy
- Jelly Belly
- eveneme eveneme
- Nomad
- Morphe
- lordi
- shahed
- John Horton
- PayMap
- Serval
- Nomer3
- Dennis Maidon
- Zennuie