This study explores the knowledge-sharing behavior within online communities, focusing on the distinct motivations between active contributors, known as posters, and passive participants, referred to as lurkers. Through a multi-group analysis, it identifies that intrinsic motivations, like enjoyment in helping others and knowledge self-efficacy, predominantly drive posters. In contrast, lurkers are more influenced by extrinsic factors such as reciprocity. The research also highlights the impact of intra-community factors, including moderator enthusiasm, offline activities, and community enjoyability, on both groups' knowledge-sharing intentions. These findings offer deeper insights into fostering engagement and contribution within online interest communities, presenting significant theoretical and practical implications for enhancing community management and design.
Lai, Hui-Min, and Tsung Teng Chen. "Knowledge sharing in interest online communities: A comparison of posters and lurkers." Computers in Human Behavior 35 (2014): 295-306.
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