Lowry et al.'s study (2013) introduces the hedonic-motivation system adoption model (HMSAM), which examines the factors that influence individuals' adoption of technology systems for hedonic purposes, such as enjoyment and entertainment. The model suggests that the motivation to use these systems is influenced by factors like perceived enjoyment, ease of use, and social influence. Understanding these motivations can help designers create engaging and enjoyable technology experiences. Keywords: hedonic motivation, technology adoption, enjoyment.
Lowry PB, Gaskin J, Twyman NW, Hammer B, Roberts TL (2013). "Taking 'fun and games' seriously: Proposing the hedonic-motivation system adoption model (HMSAM)". Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 14 (11): 617–671. doi:10.17705/1jais.00347. S2CID 2810596. SSRN 2177442.
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