This position paper delves into the critical issue of Internet abuse and the psychological impact it has on individuals. It highlights the recent advancements in NLP for automated abusive language detection, focusing specifically on the role of user and community modeling in enhancing detection methods. The paper reviews state-of-the-art techniques, addresses the ethical considerations of using personal and community data, and emphasizes the importance of explainability in detection methods. It proposes criteria for explainability in abusive language detection and discusses how incorporating user and community information can aid in achieving these objectives, aiming to guide future research towards more effective and ethically responsible solutions.
Mishra, Pushkar, Helen Yannakoudakis, and Ekaterina Shutova. "Modeling users and online communities for abuse detection: A position on ethics and explainability." arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.17191 (2021).
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