This paper examines the innovative approach taken by the Academic Development & Support (AD&S) Unit at a Melbourne university to assist an academic staff member relocating to Brunei. By forming an online community of practice, the AD&S Unit, alongside the academic, navigated the challenges of maintaining support and engagement in learning and teaching activities from a distance. The collaboration was grounded in Wenger’s seven principles for successful communities of practice and leveraged online technologies such as Skype, blogs, wikis, video clips, and mp3 sound bites. This initiative not only facilitated the exploration of new online teaching strategies but also significantly enhanced the technological proficiency and confidence of the participants. The skills and experiences garnered through this venture empowered them to apply their newfound knowledge in various educational settings, demonstrating the value of online communities of practice in fostering professional development and innovation.
Molphy, Marylou, Catherine Pocknee, and Terry Young. "Online communities of practice: Are they principled and how do they work." ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning. Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007. 2007.
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