In "Helping hands: A study of altruistic behavior" (2002), Monk-Turner et al. examine the factors that influence altruistic behavior, focusing on the role of gender, age, and race. The study uses a field experiment to observe the likelihood of individuals offering assistance to a person in need in public spaces. The results show that, overall, women were more likely to help than men, while younger individuals were more likely to help than older ones. Additionally, the study finds that race does not have a significant impact on the likelihood of offering assistance. This research contributes to our understanding of the social and demographic factors that influence altruistic behavior in real-world settings. Keywords: altruism, gender, field experiment.
Monk-Turner, E.; Blake, V.; Chniel, F.; Forbes, S.; Lensey, L.; Madzuma, J. (2002). "Helping hands: A study of altruistic behavior". Gender Issues. 20 (4): 65–70. doi:10.1007/s12147-002-0024-2. S2CID 144977956.
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