This paper delves into the mechanisms of structure formation within online communities, highlighting the pivotal role of communicative genres as intangible organizing structures. Through an empirical study that combines interpretative and quantitative methodologies, the research uncovers how different participant clusters within online communities leverage these genres to interact and contribute. The study identifies four distinct clusters: team players, storytellers, utility posters, and all-round talents, each utilizing communicative genres in unique ways to fulfill various roles within the community. This classification offers insights into the diverse ways individuals contribute to the community, ranging from offering advice and sharing knowledge to fostering social interactions. The findings present an analytical framework that can aid practitioners in understanding community dynamics and crafting strategies to enhance community engagement and effectiveness.
Moser, Christine, Dale Ganley, and Peter Groenewegen. "Communicative genres as organising structures in online communities–of team players and storytellers." Information Systems Journal 23.6 (2013): 551-567.
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