Reportby Statista that provides information on the most popular social media platforms used globally in 2023. The report includes data on the number of active users, engagement rates, and demographics for each platform, with Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp ranking as the top three.
"Most used social media 2023". Statista.
- TwinTurbo
- Nathan Explosion
- GazzaGarratt
- eivindsimensen
- Uncrowned Gaurd
- StevenM
- JoelR
- Chris Anderson
- envy
- burnyourfeelings
- Adriano Faria
- N700
- Square Wheels
- V0RT3X
- Auto Evoke
- onlyME
- IC Essentials
- Voyage
- adik
- Foxtrek64
- DawPi
- Claudia999
- Sinistra
- bing11
- Andy Y
- Live Games
- bernhara
- Como
- Copycat
- Karyexo Karyexooo
- Kelkrel
- Myr
- A Zayed
- dolphin
- ali hagi
- Richard Arch
- yaotzin
- lanc3lot
- opentype
- Brian
- Dilip
- abobader
- Nicolas PC
- master963
- Synergy
- Maria
- Nomad
- Labis
- TheLlamaman
- scaz
- The SoftBay
- TracyIsland
- Ryan
- Yurii
- william trowbridge
- Cristian Croitor
- terabyte
- Asare
- XwReK
- djdan36
- shahed
- YalcinA
- ReyDev
- send2yoni
- Analog
- Paul Kaiser
- Paul
- Omar Barbeytia carretero
- JoeyM
- Ryancoolround
- rainx
- YourSharona
- Kentraiyle Robinson
- MichaelR
- Edward Ellas
- aXenDev
- PrettyPixels
- Denis Dyack
- DursunKaptan
- MissB
- aLEX49566
- Codepixel
- alsl sndnxnx
- isvans
- Marius
- Matt
- Thomas Taschler
- Surpac
- JoshB
- Ioannis D
- bdmusic 24
- Majster87
- TomCat
- Pmw
- Torgeir Rui
- Kammer et