This research examines the development of social capital in university libraries, focusing on the Fudan University Medical Library (FUML) as a case study. By employing a SWOT analysis based on librarian interviews, official websites, and prior literature, the study constructs a social capital evaluation framework with four key dimensions: degree of user demand, level of trust, visibility, and status in users' minds. The findings reveal that while user demands for FUML have been optimistic, trust, visibility, and the library's status among users show variability. The study suggests strategies to enhance patron-library relationships through online communities, leveraging social media, multi-online channel user feedback, and employee training improvements. This work contributes to understanding how university libraries in East Asia, a region with limited research on this topic, can foster online relationships based on social capital concepts.
Ni, Yuanjun, Apple Hiu Ching Lam, and Dickson KW Chiu. "Leveraging online communities for building social capital in university libraries: a case study of fudan university medical library." Balance and Boundaries in Creating Meaningful Relationships in Online Higher Education. IGI Global, 2024. 266-289.
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