This study conducts a systematic literature review to identify and classify the motivations and benefits consumers derive from participating in co-creation activities within online communities. A taxonomy is developed to categorize motivations based on their nature (entirely extrinsic, internalized extrinsic, and intrinsic) and their connection to the individual, innovative community, and firm. Utilizing the uses and gratifications (U&G) framework of benefits, the taxonomy identifies relationships between extrinsic and intrinsic motivations within each benefit category, providing insights into the psychological needs behind co-creators' motivations. Examples are provided to illustrate how motivations such as altruism and user need drive participation and contribute to social and instrumental benefits for both individuals and companies.
Nohutlu, Zeynep Didem, et al. "Innovating With the Customer: Co-Creation Motives in Online Communities." International Journal of Electronic Commerce 27.4 (2023): 523-557.
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