This study addresses the need for tailored turnover intention (TI) models for on-demand workers in the gig economy. It introduces a model of discontinuance intention (DI) where job satisfaction mediates the impact of reward fairness on DI. The study also explores how on-demand workers' dual commitments to their online communities influence this mediation process. Data from 1493 on-demand workers over four years were analyzed to test a moderated mediation model. Results indicate that job satisfaction mediates the negative relationship between reward fairness and discontinuance intention. Additionally, workers' commitments to their online peer communities disrupt this mediation, with varying degrees of moderation. Overall, the study provides insights into the factors affecting discontinuance intention in the on-demand economy.
Nwafor, Onyi, et al. "Online communities and discontinuance of information technology-enabled on-demand workers: Impacts of informal social interactions through dual commitments." International Journal of Information Management 66 (2022): 102540.
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