This article introduces innovative methodologies for analyzing the content and structure of online communities, focusing on online chat environments. By segmenting the data into different layers (individual, group, and organizational), these methods enable a comprehensive examination of communication patterns. An example case study from the Active Worlds Educational Universe (AWEDU), which employs three-dimensional virtual worlds for educational purposes, demonstrates the application of these methodologies. Through semantic network analysis, the research uncovers intricate aspects of online interactions that are challenging to identify due to the voluminous nature of textual data in such settings. Both qualitative and quantitative insights are derived from the case study, shedding light on the effectiveness and limitations of these analytical procedures. Future enhancements and the societal impacts of these developments are also discussed.
Rosen, Devan, et al. "Procedures for analyses of online communities." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 8.4 (2003): JCMC847.
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