This chapter explores how Facebook has become a significant complement to traditional ethnographic genres within the Santal community of Bangladesh. The authors highlight Facebook's global popularity and its prominence among Santal groups, with approximately 15 online groups and pages registered as of April 2022. Despite internal variations, these communities aim to consolidate participants and provide practical tools for maintaining social ties and communication beyond physical boundaries.
Roy, Parimal, Mashitah Hamidi, and Shamoli Roy. "Internet as a Field: An Analysis of the Santal Online Communities." Practices, Challenges, and Prospects of Digital Ethnography as a Multidisciplinary Method. IGI Global, 2022. 124-137.
- IC Essentials
- Nathan Explosion
- Como
- Adriano Faria
- Split
- V0RT3X
- bernhara
- Hong98
- opentype
- StevenM
- eivindsimensen
- abobader
- JoelR
- PPlanet
- GrantHorizons
- NewVicious
- Sinistra
- Chris Anderson
- UrbanNest Realtors
- Ioannis D
- Paul Cojocariu
- TomCat
- onlyME
- burnyourfeelings
- Square Wheels
- Maxius
- Yurii
- Voyage
- Steph40
- Videoflicks
- eliteone
- rnorth6920
- Matt
- ArashDev
- terabyte
- Dancho Danchev
- Voidcraft Studios
- DawPi
- Jon Erickson
- ButterflyPixel
- ReyDev
- Live Games
- Charlie Feigel
- Bob Schwarz
- aLEX49566
- bdmusic 24
- AdamOnTech
- william trowbridge
- aXenDev
- Astronis
- Labis
- adik
- DaninMS
- PrettyPixels
- ali hagi
- A Zayed
- Ticulica
- N700
- envy
- TheLlamaman
- John Horton
- Ramses
- Analog
- isvans
- Jimmy Huseman
- Claudia999
- Venthas
- Kirill Gromov
- Dilip
- Majster87
- AnonDoggo
- Empire
- XwReK
- Hexzon
- GazzaGarratt
- Auto Evoke
- JoeyM
- Ryan
- master963
- TwinTurbo
- Uncrowned Gaurd
- Foxtrek64
- bing11
- Andy Y
- Copycat
- Karyexo Karyexooo
- Kelkrel
- Myr
- dolphin
- Richard Arch
- yaotzin
- lanc3lot
- Brian
- Nicolas PC
- Synergy
- Maria
- Nomad
- scaz