This study investigates how and why individuals seek out peer-generated health information (PGHI) on social media and online health communities (OHCs), and how they utilize this information in making health decisions. Conducting both in-person and online focus groups with 89 verified OHC members across 50 medical conditions and 77 OHCs, the research found that most participants stumbled upon PGHI accidentally during web searches. Despite viewing PGHI primarily as an alternative source for treatment options and self-care rather than emotional support, individuals acknowledged its anecdotal nature. Importantly, PGHI served as a catalyst for further research and discussions with health care providers, supporting shared decision-making processes.
Rupert, Douglas J., et al. "Peer-generated health information: the role of online communities in patient and caregiver health decisions." Journal of health communication 21.11 (2016): 1187-1197.
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