This paper investigates the information disclosure behavior among users of various online communities, a topic of growing importance due to the proliferation of these platforms in recent years. With both the research and business sectors keen on understanding the potential and pitfalls of online communities, this study focuses on the privacy implications inherent in these digital spaces. Through an online survey that garnered responses from over 850 users across different online communities, the research examines how information disclosure varies across community types, demographic variables, usage contexts, and patterns. The paper presents key findings and introduces linear regression models to detail the factors influencing users' willingness to share information, addressing a significant gap in systematic comparisons and understanding of information disclosure behavior in online environments.
Schrammel, Johann, Christina Köffel, and Manfred Tscheligi. "How much do you tell? Information disclosure behaviour indifferent types of online communities." Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies. 2009.
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