This study investigates the perspectives of community health nurses on a Canadian online community of practice aimed at supporting their work with homeless or under-housed populations. Given the reported isolation and stress faced by these nurses due to complex problems and resource constraints, the online community was developed as a means to strengthen ties within the profession and enhance access to information. Utilizing Q-methodology, the research gathered and analyzed viewpoints from 16 participants, revealing two distinct groups: "tacit knowledge warriors" and "tacit knowledge communicators." The former group valued the community for its potential to combat stigma and promote awareness of homelessness, as well as for its role in validating and improving practice. The latter group expressed a desire for more discussion, facilitation, and prompt responses within the community. Overall, the findings suggest that online communities of practice can serve as crucial support for nurses in specialized areas, highlighting the importance of balancing tacit knowledge with scientific knowledge in nursing practice related to homelessness.
Valaitis, Ruta K., et al. "Online communities of practice as a communication resource for community health nurses working with homeless persons." Journal of advanced nursing 67.6 (2011): 1273-1284.
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