This article explores the intersection of entrepreneurship and parenthood within online communities, guided by Professor Alistair Anderson's insights on the social dimensions of entrepreneurship. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, including netnography, participant observation, and interviews, the study uncovers the significance of networking for entrepreneuring women in building and sustaining community ties. It identifies three key dimensions of community engagement—Building, Being, and Belonging—and employs the communities of practice framework to shed light on how digital platforms support communal entrepreneurial activities. This research contributes new perspectives on the role of social relationships and social capital in navigating the challenges of combining entrepreneurship with parenthood.
Vershinina, Natalia, Nichola Phillips, and Maura McAdam. "Online communities and entrepreneuring mothers: practices of building, being and belonging." Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 34.7-8 (2022): 742-764.
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