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[PAID] 4 Articles Written and Ready To Be Used! PayPal, Bitcoin or Litecoin Accepted!

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I at the moment have two webmaster articles written up and ready to be added to a website. They are under the webmaster niche and I will have more very soon, this thread will be updated regularly with new articles along with the niche they fall under.

The articles I have ready at the moment for sale are:


Effective Website Setup Guide (1045 words) - £10 ($13 US)
On-Page SEO Actionable Steps (778 words) - £7 ($9 US)
Managing Multiple Websites (1072 words) - £10 ($13 US)
How you can make money as a webmaster (817 words) - £8 ($10.20 US)

I can show snippets of the articles I have written up if requested.

All payments are to be made via PayPal, Bitcoin or Litecoin and to be paid upfront before the article is sent over to the buyer.

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