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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. I have been creating short-form content such as clips from video games and clips that have been captured from my live streams on places such as Twitch. I have found posting short-form content to YouTube and longer videos too can help greatly with exposure.
  2. I have not tried selling merch through my online communities but I have in the past attempted to sell merch that I had made for my video game content creation. If marketed correctly, you can find yourself getting some sales for your merch but it is not something that can happen overnight.
  3. Music has been something that has helped me stay motivated when working from home. It is so easy to become distracted when working from home but when I pop in my ear buds, turn some music on and focus on my work, I find I get so much more done than I would if I wasn't listening to music.
  4. I don't mind users who use AI to get an idea or a guideline to help them with content to write but I will not allow AI-generated content to be directly copied and pasted into the community. If someone is using AI-generated content to help them with ideas or even research, I would expect them to turn the content into their own words before posting it to my community.
  5. I don't mind seeing old topics revived in my community as long as the reply to the topic adds to the discussion and also helps with engagement. In some cases, you do find that a topic can no longer be added to and may not help the engagement or even attract discussion, that is when I feel an old topic should be left.
  6. I would say that I am the kind of admin who participates as much as I can whilst working on other things needed within my community. In the very beginning, it can be difficult to get fresh, new content onto your forum and I believe that the admin should participate to help create that content which in turn will help the forum in the future. Some who lead a community are different and prefer to be more laid back and I also believe that is fine, there is no right or wrong.
  7. At the moment, the one goal I have set for my community that I would like to reach is getting high-quality content on the forum. I have no set date as of yet for when I wish to reach that goal and there may be no set date for me to reach that goal as I am a firm believer that you can never have too much content.
  8. With the communities I lead at the moment, my main aim is to get content and high-quality content within them which I know over time will help my site greatly. In the next five years, I hope to provide a community that people enjoy visiting to share their knowledge, learn more and be able to enjoy the community as a whole.
  9. Discouragement as a community leader is never easy to deal with but it can hit us all at a time when we do not expect it and that can be a shock to the system. Feeling discouraged at least for myself has left me overthinking and feeling as though I will never be a good community leader and can leave you burned out, when I get like that, taking breaks away from my community is what I find works best.
  10. Collaboration within a community can produce positive results for those not only leading the community but also for those who are part of the community. There are many ways in which you can collaborate within your community but it seems that not many take advantage of this. How do you encourage collaboration within your community?
  11. Dealing with conflicts within an online community shouldn't always be difficult but in most cases they are. Depending on the kind of conflict that arises, there will be different ways in which you can approach these conflicts to ensure a smooth resolution with no further escalation. How do you deal with conflicts within your community? Is there anything specific you do that you find helps?
  12. I tend to see creators within online communities the most I feel and I would also put myself into that category too. If I join a forum and I can discuss what interests me and also give my opinion or even expertise, then I am happy and I continue to stay and be an active contributor to that forum.
  13. I have always treated every announcement I make as having the same level of significance and never thought of it this way before. I can see why many would look at if differently and as different levels though and that is interesting.
  14. When interacting in a community, it can sometimes be easy for many of us to communicate in a way that we feel looks professional but in some cases, could be difficult for some to understand and it can put them off. Interacting with others in a community in simple terms is usually better to encourage more to participate rather than be turned off.
  15. I tend to have it set so that onboarding private messages and onboarding emails are sent to new users welcoming them to the forum. These onboarding messages contain useful information and links to help them as they first join the forum and I feel that helps a lot, especially those who may find it difficult joining a new forum.
  16. Affiliate marketing is great once you start making sales, you will notice just how much you can make through that method which in some cases, can be life-changing. I have looked into affiliate marketing many times and I will admit, as much as I would love to do it, it is not as easy to start up as many would think. I do believe you would have to put money into it for advertising and such before you started making anything, an investment of sorts.
  17. A topic title is something that I have always looked at as the start of a thread to tell potential readers what the topic is so that they know whether it would be of interest to them. SEO is a big thing when it comes to titles too but I have always felt getting straight to the point with the title helps you more. I never thought of it this way. It would make more sense after you had written the post in question to then be asked for a title. I know from experience that I sometimes struggle to come up with a title before I have written the post.
  18. Some community leaders can indeed become too over-confident and it has been something I have seen in the past. They become somewhat successful and then forget about the community and the reason they are part of the community in the first place and it is then when you see things start to dip and their success starts to crumble. I believe ways to keep up with the success we have achieved so far is to continue to listen to our community as well as continue to learn.
  19. Something I have noticed over the years is that a lot of those who spam on forums tend to come from areas that are not so well off and they are usually hired by those who are wealthy to spam a specific message or link around forums and blogs.
  20. When I create a community, I always aim to create a place where people can feel comfortable discussing and sharing opinions and information without issue or feeling out of place. I feel if you have an interest in something you should be able to share your interests and help others too if you wish to without feeling like you do not belong. My aim when I build a community is to build an atmosphere that is friendly and helps everyone feel like they are included.
  21. At the moment on the sites I run or help run, we have links on the navigation that help the community find different things we have to offer within the community which has helped them become used a lot more. With a site I am working on at the moment, I am working on the navigation a little better to be sure that there are links to the important and on-topic places within that site.
  22. When I started creating my forums and communities, I made a mistake in the beginning, not even realizing that some people were not happy to wait for as long as it took me to approve their accounts. Over the years I have learned it is better to have spam prevention in place and allow members to activate their accounts through their email rather than have their accounts manually approved by yourself. I now get frustrated when I see this on forums and usually don't always come back if it takes any longer than about 10 minutes.
  23. Having your community everywhere such as on your community as well as on sites such as Slack, Discord, Reddit and similar places allows you to now only interact with your community wherever they are happy to be but it also allows your community to better be found as well by new people who may very well become active members of your community.
  24. I would not class spam as being someone who posts a lot of content within a short space of time if their content is high-quality and helps with discussion and engagement. Spam to me is those who come onto a forum and purposely spam their website or links without any context at all within their messages.
  25. When I am building a community, no matter what the community niche is, I always refer to the community as our community. Some people refer to it as my community which I do see a lot but the way I look at it is, the community wouldn't be what it is without those who keep the content flowing which are community.
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