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Everything posted by Toni

  1. I am always looking for feedback on my community and I take any kind of criticism seriously, as long as the feedback and criticism are done politely, I would have no reason to ban the person in question. I would however ban a super user if they broke any rules that were bad enough to warrant a ban or if they became overly abusive and aggressive.
  2. I used to be driven by numbers and charts early on in my community leader days, never did I once thought that focusing on numbers and charts would lead to me feeling discouraged and like I was not good enough as a community leader. I have now learned that numbers are not something you should focus on but instead the content and the quality of that content, once you understand that and stop focusing on the numbers, you will feel so much better.
  3. Getting discouraged as a community leader can happen so easily and when you least expect it. I have been discouraged many times when leading a community and it can often allow you to feel as though nothing will work, sometimes even the thought of giving up can cross your mind. Times when I have felt discouraged, I have walked away for a little while and come back feeling fresh and ready to tackle anything that was making me feel discouraged.
  4. Someone who posts a lot within a community or forum is not what I would call a spammer unless the posts they made were pointless and purposely spammy to gain that post count and even that little bit of money they were being paid for the content. Spam to me is when you see someone posting a lot of pointless content throughout a forum and in some cases, that also contains links.
  5. I have always referred to the community I lead as being our community rather than my community. My way of looking at this is that if I have community members who are contributing to the content within the community then it is not my content but our content and therefore it is our community as we are all contributing in some way to the success of the community.
  6. Manual approval as much as it can be frustrating to deal with, often is used by community owners because of the influx of spam accounts that find a way through spam prevention. I have used manual approval in the past due to spam prevention not catching all spammers and it does help.
  7. Many freelancers tend to get hired to spam links within communities by those they are hired by. This is something that is common and is often taken on by those who live in poorer countries and are willing to do things like this for money.
  8. Having conflict within a community is not something any community leader or admin wants to see and it is something they would much rather avoid if at all possible. When it comes to conflicts within the community, I prefer to deal with them swiftly and discreetly and I prefer to see them dealt with that way within communities where I am an active user.
  9. I am a huge music lover and never go a day without listening to some kind of music that I enjoy. Music has a great way of uplifting us and motivating us, it is quite amazing how music can have that effect on someone but it is great that we have that option. I enjoy listening to music no matter what I am doing and have found that I get more done when I have music playing.
  10. $5000 is a lot of money and there is so much anyone who receives that amount could do with it, it could also benefit them greatly if they choose to use it wisely. If I were given $5000 to spend on anything, I would invest it into something I knew would benefit me long-term.
  11. I have visited communities on a mobile device when I have been looking for support or even solutions to issues I have had in the past, but engaging within an online forum is not something I tend to do on my mobile device.
  12. I was brought up to be organized and I have taken that into my adult life and would say I am very organized which helps a lot with my busy schedule. I have seen how people tend to be unorganized to such an extent that they struggle to keep up with their busy lifestyles and I couldn't be anything like that.
  13. Spam has always been an instant turn-off for me in a community. If I find a community, I take a look around and I find that spam has been allowed to stay within the community without being dealt with, I will walk away and not return. You will be surprised at how many community leaders leave their communities to run themselves and not worry about spam.
  14. The Internet is used for so much nowadays from working online to getting access to the news and goings on around the world. When you lose internet you realize just how much we rely on the internet and how much runs only because we have an internet connection. I am a firm believer that the internet should be a human right and that everyone should have access to the internet even if it is a low package that allows them to get online.
  15. This is a great way to support your friend. I can only imagine how someone feels losing their hair due to cancer and it is always nice to see support for those who find it hard. I am unsure of what causes balding but I did hear a while back that it may be genetic which would make sense. I have met many people who choose to be bald because they find it to be better to manage without hair.
  16. I have yet to see AI integration within communities. So far all I have seen is a lot of members within communities using content that has been generated by AI to build content which is something I am against and always have been. I too am interested in what AI integrations we may see going forward.
  17. I have used open-source platforms many times when creating and building communities on the internet, one of my favourites to use is MyBB. Premium platform options do seem to stay in the lead when it comes to community owners and leaders making a choice between open-source and premium and I feel that is due to how much more they offer with the first install as opposed to open-source.
  18. Branding is super important if you are a business and looking to keep business booming. Someone such as Elon Musk making such a drastic change to the branding of Twitter to X was a shock to me and I believe was the reason behind the decrease in app store downloads in which we are seeing now. It still baffles me why Musk felt the need to make the brand name change like he did.
  19. This is something that does not shock me at all and I believe that is why many use the phrase fake news as much as they do on social media. Social media is used so widely now by just about everyone around the world and it has become one of the popular ways to get your latest news updates. News posted on social media is not fact-checked in the way most social media platforms say it is and therefore, fake news and news that is not correct but can seem believable always has that chance to get through and then it circulates.
  20. As much as I would love to be able to stay active on all social media platforms I have an account on, this is something I have found difficult. Depending on how active you wish to be on social media, I feel for most if you can hire someone who works in social media marketing or even in social media, that is the better option if you find you do not have the time to dedicate to each platform.
  21. The furthest I have gone with any kind of video content for social media has been short-form videos for sites such as TikTok, Facebook Reels, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. I have always found short-form video content to be the one that tends to do better over videos that are a little longer such as around 2 - 3 minutes long.
  22. I rarely see anyone mentioning any huge amount of success when it comes to using social media to market their communities or businesses. Whilst I know it is possible, I feel the amount of success stories we see about social media marketing is far less than many would expect. I feel a lot of the reason why most do not have much success is because they are not promoting things right which then results in not hitting the right audience that would be interested in the content you are sharing.
  23. When we start to build out a community, one of the things we hope to ensure is not only the longevity but also the sustainability of our community. This is something that whilst possible, is not always easy to accomplish and can be difficult for some if not taken into account. Thinking about a community you lead now, what methods are you currently using to ensure the longevity and sustainability of that community?
  24. Some of us may be in the beginning stages of our communities and others may be in the later stages of their communities, whether your community is brand new or a few years old, we all have a vision of where we would like to see our communities in say the next five years. Taking a look at your community as it is now and looking to the future, where do you see your community within the next five years? Do you hope to have achieved anything in particular?
  25. As community owners, some of us if not all of us will more than likely create goals that we would like to achieve within our community, this could be anything from the number of registered members to the number of posts made within a week, month or year. Depending on the kind of community we have and what we expect from our community will depend on the goals we set for ourselves. Do you currently have any goals set for your community at the moment? If you do, what are they?
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