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Everything posted by Maria

  1. I do not see a need to anonymous login or anonymous posting in communities. You can always create a screen name and no one would ever know who you are.
  2. When I was new to blogging, I had a content calendar, but as the blog gradually started receiving traffic, I stopped creating a content calendar and instead published whenever I wanted. When I created an online community, I created a content calendar but since community is basically a collective work and you cannot go on creating topic or replying to your own topic, it was not possible to stay withing the calendar.
  3. I do not like to share the same content over and over, even when it means to share on multiple platforms. That's because you might have the same people following you across multiple platforms and you will be spamming their feed. Instead of sharing the same content, I like creating multiple content and then share unique content on different platforms
  4. Have you used ChatGPT for SEO? Well, I have used ChatGPT for keyword research and I am quite impressed with the result. Instead of using a keyword tool, I ask ChatGPT to provide keywords, keyprase, or long tail search term on certain niche. From finding primary and secondary keywords to finding high CPC and low CPC keywords I use ChatGPT for keyword research and the result is amazing. Well, I don't trust the result 100 percent and I do cross check but most of the time there is accuracy.
  5. Between Facebook and X, which social platform do you think can be more beneficial for communities? The general rule of thumb is the platform where you have most followers will get you more traffic or even sign ups, but based on the conversion rate, which social site do you think would be better marketing platform for online communities? Facebook obviously has more users but does this mean you get higher conversion on Facebook compared to X?
  6. The only social media platform that is close to online community is Reddit. Reddit is basically a discussion board where you can create sub Reddit on almost any topic, niche, or even site. Have you used Reddit to market your community. Were you able to get Reddit users to sign up in your community? Do you get traffic from Reddit?
  7. It is a universal truth that no one wants to work for free. If they are not getting financial reward, they at least want a a name for themselves. If there is a reward, the team will always perform better. If the team is not receiving anything for their hard work, why on earth would they work hard to perform better.
  8. If you want to learn something, a community might not be the platform for you as community content is user generated content and these content are mostly written by general users and the authenticity of the content is not guaranteed. Therefore, a blog or article might serve a better purpose for learning. However, if you want to have a say on something and want people to share their opinion on certain topics, communities serve better purpose.
  9. A lot of people use communities to explore, they are general users who use communities to learn and share. There are very few users who are actually progressive, while as an admin you might have a certain goal, most users do not have any kind of goal for using the community. They will be on the community as long as they find something interesting while exploring.
  10. Because of portability and ease of use, people using mobile devices to access internet and access various sites, including communities are increasing. One of the main reasons for the increasing use of mobile devices is also related to the evolution and popularity of social media sites. Online communities should take advantage of increasing mobile users by using responsive design or even providing app based platform
  11. I can see mob behavior in some communities. Some destructive people join a community and they start building followers and they all have one purpose to disturb the harmony of the community. You will have to sport these mob mentality people early on and take necessary actions. There is a common phrase one spoiled potatoes spoil the entire sack of potatoes.
  12. No matter what you do, you will become successful only when you learn. Leaning will help you gain knowledge and with knowledge comes power. So, if you want to equip yourself with power and of you want to become successful with what you are doing, you should be learning. If you can no longer go back to the university,you can enroll for short term courses to build your knowledge.
  13. The garden metaphor in the context of creating a community and running a community is nice but I would rather relate it to giving birth to a baby and then nurturing the baby to grow into a healthy individual. During the initial phase a lot of care should be taken, otherwise, your baby (community) will die or become frail or sick. Once, it grows and become strong nothing can knock it down.
  14. Even though most people emphasize on transparency, it is well known fact that people are not transparent. They don't make their decisions transparent, they do not implement changes transparently, and they operate the organization without revealing its working model. These days it is very common for people and individuals not to reveal anything in the name of business or trade secrets.
  15. You need to listen. This is important for making your own opinion on certain things or events. Listening helps you understand, gives you perspective and create plans. As a community manger or leader, you need to be open to views, which requires active listening.
  16. We need to listen first before we open our mouth. We can form an opinion only when we analyze what we have heard. Listening helps you to make better decisions. Even while running a community, listening to your staff or your users will help you develop the right course for your community.
  17. I must say I have not used IPS. But I have seen a lot of communities that have dedicated marketplace and link directory. In the past, link directory was an ideal way to build backlinks but these days they are designated as link farms, thus, search bots do not value backlinks from link directories. Communities can fill that gap by providing link directory.
  18. You can leverage your user base only when you have managed to build active users. You can build active users only when your potential users find your community. Your potential users will find your community, only when you promote your community in a way so that you can use your potential users. A lot of people say that social media sites are ideal way to promote your community, but I really doubt that. I think other communities in your niche are the best platform to reach your target audience.
  19. Choosing the right media for marketing is very important. The right media means the media platform that your potential customers use. It is not only enough to use the right media, you also need to promote your content, product or services through the right content. The right content is the content that appeals to your audience. Understanding your audience and using the right media platform, and promoting through the right content is very important for becoming successful with your marketing campaign.
  20. It is not always possible to bring the right people in your community. If you are too choosy about who joins your community, you might not be able to build an active community. Instead of looking for the right people what you need to focus on is bringing people who follow rules in your community and genuinely interact in your community
  21. If the community does not have a lot of active users, the marketplace section will be a ghost town. For the marketplace to thrive in an online community, the community itself should be thriving. Interestingly, most online communities only have sellers, there are not many buyers.
  22. Not everyone needs to build a career in marketing, however, everyone who are working online either as a freelancer, website owner, or an entrepreneur needs knowledge in SEO and digital marketing. Without knowing SEO and Digital Marketing, and without implementing SEO and Digital Marketing tactics, it is not possible to become successful. Digital Marketing involves a lot of things and if you are confused, just concentrate on building followers on social media.
  23. Keeping your expenses down is one of the main thing you need to concentrate on if you want to ensure sustainability of your community. Even when you have monetized your community,it is really difficult to earn enough money for community management.
  24. I don't know if I would be still running my community 5 years later. Sustainability is a great issue in the world of online communities. While the owners find difficulty to manage resources for running the community, users are also bored from using the same community and they go else where. Communities are failing to provide a platform that users will remain loyal for years just like they are doing on social platforms.
  25. Understanding your user base and creating topics that your users will enjoy posting can improve engagement. Starting topics on trending topics can also improve engagement. I have noticed that if your community lacks new topics, there will be less engagements.
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