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  • The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is a theoretical framework that describes the process of persuasion and attitude change. According to the ELM, individuals can be persuaded and make decisions through two routes: the central route and the peripheral route. In the central route, people engage in careful evaluation and systematic processing of persuasive messages, focusing on the quality and relevance of arguments. In the peripheral route, individuals rely on superficial cues such as attractiveness, credibility, or consensus without extensively evaluating the message content. The route chosen depends on factors like motivation, ability, and message characteristics.

    The elaboration likelihood model can be applied to understanding persuasive communication within an online community. When individuals engage in discussions or receive persuasive messages online, they may process the information through the central or peripheral route. In a text-based environment, the quality and coherence of arguments become crucial for persuasiveness when individuals engage in central processing. On the other hand, peripheral cues like the credibility of the source, visual appeal, or the number of likes or shares can influence attitude formation and decision-making when individuals rely on the peripheral route. Understanding the varying routes of persuasion can help community members recognize the potential biases and fallacies associated with peripheral cues and promote critical thinking and informed decision-making within the online community.

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