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  • CMX Dictionary

    The world's most definitive dictionary on online community management and strategy.
    1. Operational Transparency

      Operational Transparency is the concept that customers appreciate and value a product or service more when they can see and understand the processes involved in its creation or delivery.

    2. Cashless Effect

      The Cashless Effect is a spending behavior where people are more likely to spend or pay more when using cards or digital payments over cash.

    3. Halo Effect

      The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias where one positive characteristic of a person, product, or brand significantly influences people to have a favorable overall impression of them.

    4. Gruen Effect

      Aliases: Target Effect

      The Gruen Effect refers to the phenomenon where an intentionally overwhelming and sensory-rich shopping environment causes consumers to make impulsive purchases.

    5. Authority Principle

      The Authority Principle suggests that individuals are more likely to be persuaded or influenced by figures or entities perceived as authoritative or expert in a particular domain.

    6. Anchoring Effect

      Aliases: anchoring

      The Anchoring Effect is the cognitive bias where individuals heavily rely on the first piece of information they encounter (the "anchor") when making decisions.

    7. Salience Bias

      Aliases: salient bias

      Salience Bias refers to the tendency of individuals to focus on the most noticeable or important aspects of an experience, often overshadowing other relevant yet less prominent information.

    8. 70/20/10 Learning Model

      Aliases: 70 20 10,

      Breakdown of the 70/20/10 learning model

    9. Goal Gradient

      The goal gradient hypothesis suggests that individuals are motivated to increase their effort as they approach a goal, which is employed in gamification elements like progress bars, badges, and profile completion percentages to enhance user engagement and task completion.

    10. PreCommitment

      Aliases: precommitment pact

      The Psychology of Precommitment suggests that by committing to a goal in advance, individuals are less likely to procrastinate and more likely to achieve the intended outcome.

    11. Town Hall trap

      Aliases: town hall

      Online communities can fall into the trap of designing a Town Hall, where there's a lot of public conversation and talk, but no action. 

    12. 1000 True Fans

      The concept of "1000 True Fans" suggests that creators can achieve sustainable success by nurturing a core audience of 1000 deeply invested followers rather than aiming for mainstream appeal.

    13. Nudging

      Aliases: nudge

      Nudges are gentle pushes or reminders that guide people toward making better decisions or engaging in more constructive ways.

    14. IKEA Effect

      The IKEA effect is a proven psychological bias theory that consumers put a higher value on what they help create.

    15. Trait model

      The emotional quotient (EQ) trait model is a framework that assesses and categorizes emotional intelligence based on a set of core personality traits related to emotions.

    16. Testing the concept (in context of strategy)

      Testing the concept in the context of strategy refers to the process of evaluating and validating a strategic idea or hypothesis through experimentation and data analysis before implementing it fully.

    17. Technicalities and product development (in context of strategy)

      Technicalities and product development, in the context of strategy, involve the intricate details and processes associated with creating and improving products or services to meet strategic goals.

    18. Target market (in context of strategy)

      A target market, in the context of strategy, refers to a specific group of customers that a business or organization aims to reach and serve with its products or services.

    19. Strategy basis

      Strategy basis refers to the underlying principles, frameworks, or approaches that guide the development and implementation of strategic plans and actions.

    20. Strategic vision

      Strategic vision refers to a clear and inspiring long-term direction that guides an organization's goals, actions, and decision-making, providing a sense of purpose and direction.

    21. Strategic risks

      Strategic risks refer to potential threats or uncertainties that can impact an organization's long-term goals, strategies, and overall performance.

    22. Strategic planning

      Strategic planning is the process of setting goals, defining strategies, and allocating resources to achieve long-term objectives and drive organizational success.

    23. Strategic initiatives

      Strategic initiatives refer to planned actions or projects undertaken by organizations to achieve specific goals and drive desired outcomes.

    24. Strategic execution

      Strategic execution refers to the effective implementation of a strategic plan or initiative to achieve desired outcomes and organizational goals.

    25. Strategic differentiation

      Strategic differentiation refers to the process of creating and emphasizing unique qualities or characteristics in order to distinguish oneself from competitors in a strategic manner.

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