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    1. Dorine C. Andrews Audience-Specific Online Community Design

      Dorine C. Andrews' Audience-Specific Online Community Design is a methodology for creating online communities that cater to specific user groups by identifying their needs and preferences, resulting in more effective engagement and communication.

    2. Dependent online community

      A dependent online community is a group of individuals who rely on each other for emotional and social support through an online platform.

    3. Desensitization

      Desensitization is a psychological process in which an individual becomes less responsive to a stimulus after repeated exposure.

    4. Detachment

      Detachment is a problem of online communities when internet users separating themselves from emotional involvement.  

    5. Digital altruism

      Digital altruism refers to the practice of using digital technology and online platforms to engage in selfless acts of kindness, help others, and contribute to social good.

    6. Disassociative anonymity

      Dissociative anonymity refers to the idea that people feel more comfortable expressing themselves online when they can remain anonymous, as they are less likely to face social consequences for their actions.

    7. Distraction

      Distraction refers to a state of being unable to concentrate or focus due to external or internal factors that interfere with one's attention and cause a diversion from the task at hand.

    8. Dynamic content

      Dynamic content refers to digital content that changes based on various factors, such as user behavior, location, time, or preferences.

    9. Dark tetrad

      Dark Tetrad refers to a set of four negative personality traits - narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism.

    10. Deindividuation

      Deindividuation is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual loses their sense of individuality and self-awareness, leading to a loss of inhibitions and an increased tendency towards impulsive and often irrational behavior in a group setting.

    11. Denial-of-service attacks

      Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks are deliberate attempts to disrupt the availability of a website or online service by overwhelming it with traffic or other means of hindering its normal functioning.

    12. Digital divide

      The term "digital divide" refers to the unequal distribution of access and use of technology between different socio-economic groups and regions.

    13. Disinhibition

      Disinhibition refers to the tendency of individuals to engage in behaviors that they would normally avoid due to social norms or personal values, often as a result of reduced social cues or anonymity.

    14. Doxing

      Doxing refers to the practice of publicly revealing personal or private information about an individual or organization without their consent, typically done with malicious intent.

    15. definition of community (Steven Brintgregates)

      Steven Brintgregates defines community as a group of people who share a common identity and are bound by social relationships.

    16. definition of community (Jenny Reece)

      Jenny Reece's definition of community refers to a group of individuals who share common interests, goals, and values, and who interact with one another in a mutually beneficial way.

    17. Daryl Bem's self-perception theory

      Daryl Bem's self-perception theory suggests that individuals infer their own attitudes and beliefs by observing their own behavior, treating themselves as external observers.

    18. Decision making (in context of group dynamics)

      Group decision making refers to the process of reaching a collective choice or resolution through the interaction and collaboration of multiple individuals, considering various perspectives and options.

    19. Dependent variable

      The dependent variable is the variable in an experiment or study that is measured or observed to determine the effects or outcomes of the independent variable.

    20. Desire

      Desire refers to a strong feeling or longing for something, often accompanied by a motivation to pursue or obtain it.

    21. Diversity

      Diversity refers to the presence of a wide range of individual differences and unique characteristics within a group or community.

    22. Dual-process theories of persuasion

      Dual-process theories of persuasion propose that there are two distinct cognitive processes, the central and peripheral routes, which individuals employ when being persuaded, with each route varying in the level of cognitive elaboration and reliance on different cues.

    23. Decline stage

      The product life cycle decline stage refers to the final phase of a product's life cycle where sales and profitability decline as the market becomes saturated, competition increases, or consumer preferences shift.

    24. Design (in context of strategy)

      In the context of strategy, design refers to the intentional creation and arrangement of elements to achieve desired outcomes, encompassing both the visual and functional aspects.

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