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    1. Esports

      Esports is a form of competitive video gaming that involves professional players and teams competing against each other in organized tournaments and leagues.

    2. Effective altruism

      Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement that encourages individuals to use evidence and reason to maximize their positive impact on the world.

    3. Email lists

      An email list is a collection of email addresses used to send messages to multiple people at once.

    4. Empathy-altruism hypothesis

      The empathy-altruism hypothesis proposes that empathetic concern for others motivates people to help them, regardless of the potential costs to themselves.

    5. Ethical altruism

      Ethical altruism refers to the belief that individuals should act selflessly to promote the well-being of others, even if it means sacrificing their own interests.

    6. Ethical egoism

      Ethical egoism is a moral theory that asserts individuals should always act in their own self-interest, prioritizing their own happiness and well-being above the interests of others.

    7. Expectation of privacy

      The expectation of privacy refers to an individual's belief that their personal information, actions, or communications will not be observed or monitored without their consent.

    8. Ethnography

      Ethnography is a research methodology used in anthropology and sociology to understand the social and cultural behavior of a particular group or community through immersive fieldwork and participant observation.

    9. Email Bombs

      Aliases: mass emailings

      Email bombs refer to the practice of sending a massive number of emails to overwhelm and disrupt the recipient's email account or system.

    10. Expert Community

      Aliases: epistemic community

      An expert community refers to a group of individuals who share a common interest and possess specialized knowledge in a particular field, and who come together to exchange information, collaborate, and advance their understanding of the subject matter.

    11. Environmental activism

      Environmental activism refers to the efforts and actions taken by individuals, groups, or organizations to protect the natural environment and address environmental issues.

    12. Ecological psychology

      Ecological psychology is a branch of psychology that emphasizes the dynamic interaction between individuals and their environment in shaping behavior and cognition.

    13. Edwin A. Locke's goal setting theory

      Locke's goal setting theory, proposed by Edwin A. Locke, suggests that setting specific and challenging goals leads to higher motivation and performance by individuals.

    14. Egoboo

      Egoboo refers to the gratification or satisfaction individuals experience when receiving recognition, praise, or validation from others, particularly in online communities.

    15. Elaboration likelihood model

      The elaboration likelihood model is a theory in social psychology that explains how individuals process persuasive messages and make decisions based on two routes: the central route (careful evaluation) and the peripheral route (superficial cues).

    16. Electronic advocacy

      Electronic advocacy refers to the use of digital platforms and technology to promote and advocate for a cause, issue, or social change.

    17. Enjoyment

      Enjoyment refers to the positive emotional experience or pleasure derived from engaging in activities, experiences, or interactions.

    18. Enkratic rationality by John Broome

      Enkratic rationality, as proposed by John Broome, refers to the rationality of an individual's intentions aligning with their beliefs and values, ensuring consistency in decision-making.

    19. Environmental psychology

      Environmental psychology is a branch of psychology that examines the interplay between individuals and their physical, social, and built environments, focusing on how these environments influence human behavior, well-being, and interactions.

    20. Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge

      "Essentials of Organizational Behavior" by Robbins and Judge is a renowned textbook that provides an overview of key concepts and theories related to understanding human behavior in organizational settings.

    21. Establishing operation (in context of motivating ooperations)

      An establishing operation, within the context of motivating operations, refers to a condition or event that increases the value or effectiveness of a specific consequence, thereby influencing behavior.

    22. External attribution

      Aliases: situational attribution

      External attribution refers to the tendency of individuals to attribute the causes of behavior to external factors or situational influences rather than internal factors or personal characteristics.

    23. External validity

      External validity refers to the extent to which research findings can be generalized or applied to real-world settings and populations beyond the specific conditions of a study.

    24. Extrinsic motivation by Johnmarshall Reeve

      Extrinsic motivation, as theorized by Johnmarshall Reeve, refers to engaging in activities or behaviors driven by external rewards or outcomes rather than inherent interest or personal satisfaction.

    25. Economic utility theory (Benabou and Tirole)

      The economic utility theory, as proposed by Benabou and Tirole, is a framework in economics that explores how individuals make choices and derive utility from goods or services based on their preferences and perceived value.

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